Friday, October 30, 2009

Well we made it to Goose Bay. The morning srarted out with a send off form Nicole and the kids at 7am. After that Zach and i spent An hour trying to shovel out the plane. Once in the air we faced major headwinds,but finally made it to Winnipeg. A quick trip to subway and we were back in the air for a 1400nm trip to Goose bay. It is just as cold here as is in Dever. Tomorow is the big leap over the icy north atlantic.


  1. First day of the journey. Go get em. Be watching and commenting daily.

  2. Thanks for keeping us posted. We're following every step, including a check of Weather Underground for your weather. Still trying to find a tracker site for Europe. Only ones I have found so far are for commercial sites. Any ideas? Take good care, guys.

  3. I recall one flight from Europe to LA via the great circle when it was warm enough to actually see granite in southern Greenland. Amazing to see what an ugly rock she really is.

  4. On my first flight to Europe from LAX to Frankfurt on Lufthansa, I was so excited I couldn't sleep. As the sun came up, nothing but clouds below us. Then, miraculously, just before first landfall, the clouds parted and there were the Outer Hebrides Islands of Scotland. I'll never forget the thrill.
