Tuesday, November 3, 2009

Hello all. Today we flew to Tarbes France to visit the TBM factory. We had a nice fast and mostly clear flight. The decent into Tarbes was full of rain and wind. We were welcomed by two very nice non French tbm empoyees who treated us to lunch and a tour of the factory. After a few hours in the cold rainy france we decided that we should give southern Spain a try. After Zach spent a few minets arguing with the guy at the fight planners office we new we had made the right choice. Were are now in Jerez spain. Tomorow we will enter Africa for the first,spending the night in Mali Wish us luck,we won't want to argue with the African officals.


  1. Hey Randy & Zach,

    Congrats on the progress! I look forward to following you along the way. -john runyon

  2. dude, you guys are traveling to fast I cant keep up. Slow down and chiiillax, you guys know how to do that!! Nice advances today you guys, be safe and look forward to seeing pictures of African Lions and Tigers and Bears oh my

  3. kk thanks for your comments. wish you were along for the ride.
