Mouila tower this is 654cw 0ver. "juswa dualmam dooba wana". Sorry do you speak English. No parlay vou Engla. Lucky for us Keir one of the American Doctors we have been transporting was aboard and was able to listen and translate landing intructions. After securing the plane for a three day solo stay at the airport, we got into two landcrusers and headed down the dirt road in serch of the legendary hospital in the jungle. Appon arrivel we were greeted by keirs lovley wife Joanna and there two Children Luke and shara.We had a wounderful meal which included Leamongrass tea and homemade ice cream. After dinner zack and i collapsed into bed happy to be hundreds of kilometers from the nearest airport officals.
Thursday, November 12, 2009
Mouila tower this is 654cw 0ver. "juswa dualmam dooba wana". Sorry do you speak English. No parlay vou Engla. Lucky for us Keir one of the American Doctors we have been transporting was aboard and was able to listen and translate landing intructions. After securing the plane for a three day solo stay at the airport, we got into two landcrusers and headed down the dirt road in serch of the legendary hospital in the jungle. Appon arrivel we were greeted by keirs lovley wife Joanna and there two Children Luke and shara.We had a wounderful meal which included Leamongrass tea and homemade ice cream. After dinner zack and i collapsed into bed happy to be hundreds of kilometers from the nearest airport officals.
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Hey! That's my sister's house! And my sister!